ISO Guide

ISO certification is important, so we provide a comprehensive ISO guide, management system certifications, understanding the ISO standard, its definitions, and obtaining a quality certificate. It is then your first reference for a deep and intensive explanation and understanding of ISO certifications.

What is ISO?

“ISO” is an acronym that stands for the International Organization for Standardization, an organization that leads the world in setting global standards to ensure quality and efficiency.

In English, this organization is known as (International Organization for Standardization).

What is ISO organization ?

The ISO organization is considered an independent, non-governmental entity, and is considered one of the most prominent bodies in developing international standards.

Also It was founded on February 23, 1947, and its membership includes representatives of national standards organizations from more than 160 countries.

Also the International Organization for Standardization aims to formulate standards that contribute to achieving quality, safety, efficiency and interchangeability of products and services in various sectors.

Moreover, ISO standards include various fields for example as information technology, energy, food industries, agriculture, health and the manufacturing sector.

Some of the famous standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization include:

Among the standards issued by the organization and gaining international fame for example :

  • ISO 9001 certification which is based on quality management system requirements and is widely used to support companies in meeting customer expectations and adhering to applicable laws and legislation.
  • ISO14001 certification, which highlights the environmental management system and works to improve the environmental performance of organizations by effectively managing their environmental impacts.
  • ISO 27001 certification provides a framework for an Information Security Management System (ISMS), helping organizations protect their sensitive information such as financial and customer data.

Also development of these standards is based on a collaborative process that includes the participation of experts from the commercial, technical and industrial sectors, who benefit from the application of these standards.

What are ISO certifications?

ISO certificates are a set of international standards that aim to ensure the quality of products and services and improve the performance of operations in institutions.

In addition to the certifications include a variety of fields for example quality management (ISO 9001), environmental management (ISO 14001), occupational safety and health management (ISO 45001), and others.

Also institutions obtain these certificates after passing an independent evaluation process proving their compliance with the requirements of specified international standards.

At the time, ISO certifications embody a set of standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Moreover, these certificates are applied in multiple sectors including health, agriculture, industry, and energy.

What are ISO standards?

ISO standards, prepared by its members, provide frameworks, guidelines and requirements aimed at facilitating the achievement of their intended objectives.

Also, These standards support various industries in applying internationally approved values ​​and standards that achieve high levels of quality, safety and security.

Contrary to what some might think, ISO itself does not certify the standards it issues.

Rather, this is done through third-party auditors who conduct a thorough inspection and provide certificates proving that the specified standards have been met.

Accreditation standard ISO It serves as confirmation that the organization has presented sufficient evidence to third-party auditors that it complies with the requirements of the specified standard.

Besides that ISO organization is considered a body specialized in issuing standards only, and is not among the bodies that grant ISO certificates.

These certifications provide the organization with many benefits, including:

  • Enhancing the efficiency of operations.
  • Raising the quality of products and services.
  • Reducing operational costs.
  • Achieving greater customer satisfaction.
  • Improving the image and reputation of the institution.

ISO certification can be obtained by submitting an application to an accreditation body, and which in turn evaluates the management system to ensure.

Its compliance with the required standards, and upon the success of this evaluation, the certificate is granted.

Types of quality certificates

Also there are several ISO quality certifications, which are based on specific standards and requirements to improve the efficiency of products and services for example:

ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Certification:

This certificate aims to enhance the quality of companies’ products and services and increase customer satisfaction.

On the other hand it includes requirements for a quality management system that meets customer needs, and contributes to developing organizational performance.

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management:

This certificate works to enhance the environmental performance of organizations and protect the environment.

Also requires organizations to implement an environmental management system that deals with the environmental impacts of their activities.

ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety :

aims to improve occupational health and safety in the workplace, and reduce accidents and risks.

Also requires identifying occupational risks and addressing them through prevention and emergency response procedures.

ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety Management:

Encourages the promotion of food safety through control of the food supply chain.

Organizations must adopt procedures that ensure hygiene, quality control, and risk assessment to ensure food safety.

In addition to there are other quality ISO certificates specialized in sectors such as health care and the automotive industry.

For more information’s about ISO certifications click here

What is the function of ISO?

ISO is committed to stimulating the development of international standards that contribute to facilitating the exchange of information and trade globally, covering many areas.

What is the ISO system?

The ISO system is a global reference for international standards and includes a comprehensive set of rules specifically designed to define requirements for management systems across various sectors.

Also it aims to support organizations in enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness, which helps reduce risks and increase customer satisfaction.

What is ISO certification?

ISO certification is a document issued by an internationally recognized accreditation body, confirming that an organization’s management system conforms to the requirements of the chosen ISO standard.

As this certificate is granted after an audit that proves compliance with the required standards.

How much does an ISO certificate cost ?

The price of ISO certification can vary based on several factors, for example :

  • Type of certificate:

Each certificate has a financial value, which may vary from one certificate to another.

  • Size and type of organization:

The price of the certificate is affected by the nature and size of the organization.

Also the cost varies between small and large organizations, and between government and private organizations.

  • Geographic location:

Variation in costs is also linked to the geographical location of the organization, with differences in accreditation and evaluation prices between countries.

  • Certification requirements:

These may include some additional costs, such as training and periodic reviews, which affect the total cost.

However, it is advisable to inquire directly from accreditation institutions or competent authorities for more details about the expected cost of the required certificate.

What are the benefits of obtaining an ISO certificate?

ISO certification represents proof of companies’ and institutions’ commitment to international quality standards, and is widely recognized internationally.

Among the most prominent benefits that accredited companies reap are:

  • Increasing the confidence of customers and business partners thanks to its emphasis on the quality of services and products provided.
  • Enhancing internal efficiency and developing processes, which reflects positively on the quality of products and services.
  • Emphasizing adherence to international standards in the areas of quality, environment, and occupational health and safety.
  • Expanding access to new global markets due to compliance requirements for these standards by many customers and suppliers.
  • Improving the company’s image and reputation through its commitment to social responsibility and quality.
  • Increasing customer satisfaction due to ensuring the quality of services and products through the company obtaining the certificate.
  • It should be noted that the extent of benefit from ISO certification varies based on the sector, industry, and how the standards and practices followed within each organization are applied.

What are ISO specifications?

  • ISO specifications are a set of leading international standards to ensure the quality and efficiency of industries and services globally.
  • In the context of globalization, ISO standards play a vital role as a means of competing in international markets, representing a sign of companies’ commitment to applying international standards.

What is the purpose of ISO?

The goal of ISO is to develop international standards to facilitate international trade and exchange of goods and services.

ISO’s main objectives:

  • The goal of ISO standards is to facilitate international trade and the exchange of goods and services with high efficiency.
  • Ensuring excellent quality of products and services in the global arena.
  • Increase operational efficiency and reduce waste.
  • Reducing risks through effective management of potential risks.
  • Improving customer satisfaction by ensuring that their needs are continually met.
  • Achieving an increase in sales while improving reputation and quality of products and services.

How do I obtain an ISO certificate?

Obtaining an ISO certificate requires following several basic steps

Steps to obtain an ISO certificate:

  • Preparation and planning: Assess readiness to meet certification requirements.
  • Developing the management system: establishing procedures and policies consistent with standards.
  • System implementation: Ensure implementation across all administrative levels.
  • Internal audit: examining the effectiveness of the application and its compliance with ISO requirements.
  • External audit: Using an accredited body to verify compliance.
  • Obtaining the certificate: The certificate is issued after successfully passing the external audit.

What are the benefits of obtaining the ISO system?

There are many benefits, for example :

  • Increasing customer satisfaction
  • Enhancing sales
  • Facilitating international trade
  • Improving the organization’s image
  • Attracting investments
  • Improved market access
  • Improving cooperation with partners

In general, the ISO system enables organizations to achieve their goals with high efficiency and optimal effectiveness.

What is ISO accreditation?

ISO accreditation

Means the process that organizations go through to verify and document quality management practices in accordance with international standards specified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Also this process aims to ensure that organizations provide products and services that meet global standards of quality.

In addition to when organizations meet the required requirements and demonstrate their ability to produce reliable, high-quality products and services, they are awarded a certificate of accreditation.

This certificate demonstrates the organization’s commitment to quality standards, which increases the confidence of customers and partners in it.

Accreditation certificates confirm organizations’ interest in the quality of their products and services and work to improve their performance.

This is done by developing internal management and organizing operations, which enhances trust between the organization and its customers.

ISO standards cover a wide range of areas including quality, environment, health and safety, security, information technology and financial services, such as ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO27001.

What is the difference between ISO and quality?


It is an international body dedicated to setting global standards in a wide range of fields, including quality.

ISO 9001 standard is one of the most important and prominent standards it provides in the field of quality management.

The concept of quality:

It is based on the extent to which the product or service is able to match and meet customer needs and expectations, including several aspects such as performance, durability, reliability, safety, and complete satisfaction with the product or service.

In addition, ISO plays an important role in supporting the concept of quality by providing standards and directives that help companies and organizations improve their quality and performance.

which contributes to gaining the trust of consumers and suppliers and obtaining international recognition.

Thus, ISO is the organization that sets international standards including those for quality.

while quality represents the criterion that is used to evaluate the extent to which products and services meet the needs and expectations of customers.

What is the difference between ISO and accreditation?


  • It is an international organization responsible for setting international standards in various fields.
  • ISO does not issue direct accreditation certificates.
  • Her interests include multiple areas such as quality management, environment, occupational health and safety, and information security.


  • represents the evaluation process that organizations undergo by independent bodies to verify their compliance with the relevant ISO standards.
  • Organizations that successfully pass this process receive ISO certification.
  • Accreditation enhances operational efficiency, reduces risks, increases customer satisfaction, enhances sales and facilitates cross-border trade.

What is the benefit of ISO certification?

Obtaining ISO certification gives organizations a set of important advantages that enhance their efficiency and quality of their services and products.

The benefit of ISO certification

  • Improving the efficiency of operational processes
  • Improving the quality of products and services
  • Reducing costs and expenses
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Enhancing the organization’s public image

What is ISO 9001 certification?

ISO 9001 certification is considered an international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system.

It aimed at improving customer satisfaction and ensuring the provision of high-quality products and services, taking into account compliance with legislative frameworks.

The added value of ISO 9001 certification for organizations

ISO 9001 certification represents a guarantee of high quality that supports institutions in strengthening their position within the competitive market.

What are the quality requirements of ISO 9001?

Quality requirements cover key aspects that companies must adhere to ensure the highest levels of quality are provided:

  • Effective planning
  • Executing operations
  • Monitoring and control
  • Conduct evaluations
  • Striving towards continuous improvement

How do I obtain a quality certificate?

Steps to obtain the ISO quality certificate

  • Self-assessment and preparation: Full understanding of the gaps between the current situation and requirements.
  • Planning and implementation: devise and implement plans to fill these gaps.
  • Internal audit: a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.
  • External audit: evaluation by an external party to ensure that the system complies with ISO 9001 standards.
  • Obtaining the certificate: Issuing the certificate after meeting all requirements.

What is the quality management system certificate?

Definition of quality management system certificate:

Quality management system certificate is an official document that depends on the quality management system of a particular organization meeting special standards.

This certificate is granted by an accredited certification body after an audit proving success in the application.

The main benefits of adopting a quality management system certificate

  • Increasing operational effectiveness:

The quality management system contributes to raising the operating efficiency of organizations by reducing waste and enhancing quality.

  • Risk reduction:

A quality management system reduces operational risks by identifying and reducing potential risks.

  • Enhancing customer satisfaction:

The quality management system supports the continuous fulfillment of customer requirements, which raises their level of satisfaction.

  • Increase sales:

A quality management system helps organizations raise sales levels by improving reputation and quality of products and services.

  • Facilitating international trade:

Quality management system paves the way for organizations towards facilitating international trade by meeting quality standards.

 Steps to obtain a quality management system certificate

  • Building a management system:

Organizations must establish a quality management system that meets the guidelines of the approved standard.

  • System documentation:

requires writing down system policies, procedures and forms.

  • Employee training:

Training employees on established quality standards is essential.

  • Internal audit:

The organization must conduct a self-audit to ensure that its operations comply with standards.

  • External audit:

The organization must undergo an external audit by a certifying body to verify its compliance with the standards.

What are the requirements for the quality management system ?

The Quality Management System Certification sets an international framework for quality management system standards.

The main focus of this standard is on satisfying customers and improving customer satisfaction through efficient management of operations.

Quality Management System Certification (ISO9001) has requirements that include:

  • Assess the organizational context:

understand external and internal issues, stakeholder needs and define the scope of the quality management system.

  • Leadership training:

Senior management’s commitment to implementing and supporting the quality management system, in addition to defining the quality policy and objectives.

  • Planning:

To identify risks and opportunities, and formulate goals and plans necessary to achieve quality goals.

  • Support:

Including providing resources, training, and awareness about the quality management system.

  • Operation:

Is based on managing and controlling operations to meet customer requirements.

  • Evaluation:

The performance of the quality system by monitoring and evaluating its effectiveness, in addition to internal and external audits.

  • improvement :

striving for improvement in all aspects of the quality management system

What is the ISO 14001 certificate?

It represents one of the main international certificates granted to organizations that successfully implement an environmental management system compatible with approved global standards.

This certification is a significant step for companies to enhance their environmental performance by efficiently managing their environmental impacts, whether in their activities, products, or services.

Benefits of ISO 14001 certification for companies

Obtaining the ISO 14001 certification highlights the company’s commitment to preserving the environment, giving it a set of benefits that include enhancing its public image and reliability in the market.

This is in addition to improving its competitive position and opening new horizons in international markets that set strict standards for environmental preservation.

Procedures for obtaining the ISO 14001 certificate

Setting environmental goals in line with ISO 14001 standards and developing an appropriate environmental management system.

Conduct self-examinations and internal audits to verify the efficiency of the environmental management system.

Select an accredited institution to conduct the external evaluation and ensure that the system complies with ISO 14001 standards.

Also Ensuring continuous improvement of the company’s environmental performance after obtaining the certificate.

The impact of ISO 14001 certification on the environment and society

It does not benefit companies alone, but rather leaves a tangible positive impact on the environment and society.

Also, it is possible to reduce the consumption of energy and natural resources, reduce pollution and waste.

Moreover, adherence to the standards of this certification contributes to enhancing sustainability and supports the preservation of the environment for future generations.

What is the ISO 45001 certification?

ISO 45001 is an international standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS).

Purpose of ISO 45001 certification, for example:

  • Providing a framework for organizations to improve occupational health and safety performance.
  • Reducing health and safety risks.
  • Improving the health and safety of employees.
  • Compliance with occupational health and safety regulations.
  • Determine the occupational health and safety policy.
  • Identify and evaluate risks.
  • Risk control.
  • Counseling and pain
  • Share with employees.
  • Training and awareness.
  • continuous improvement.

Benefits of ISO 45001 certification:

  • Improving occupational health and safety performance.
  • Reducing health and safety risks.
  • Improving the health and safety of employees.

Who issues the ISO certification?

ISO certificates are issued by accredited institutions called certification institutions or certification companies.

Also, these organizations are independent and internationally recognized, and evaluate and audit quality management systems.

Certification institutions provide the following services:

  • Compliance audit: Companies and institutions are evaluated to ensure their compliance with the relevant ISO standards.
  • Certification: After passing a compliance audit, the certification organization issues an ISO certificate to the audited company or organization.
  • Certification organizations operate under the same ISO standards and guidelines, such as ISO/IEC 17021-1, which define requirements for certification of quality management systems.

Moreover it is important that companies and organizations choose an accredited certification institution that has a good reputation and follows best practices in the field of auditing and certification.

What is the duration of the ISO certificate?

The validity period of the ISO certificate is three years.

After three years, the company must renew its certification to maintain compliance with the ISO standard.

ISO certification renewal process:

  • The company must submit a renewal application to the ISO accreditation body.
  • The ISO accreditation body will review the company’s management system and conduct a renewal audit.
  • If the company passes the renewal audit, it will obtain a new ISO certificate valid for another three years.
  • comments:
  • The validity period of the certificate may vary depending on the ISO accreditation body.

Tips for successfully renewing your ISO certificate:

  • Start the renovation process early.
  • Review your ISO management system regularly and check for any areas for improvement.
  • Train employees on management system requirements.
  • Prepare yourself for the renewal audit.
  • -Make sure you have all the required documents ready.

Benefits of renewing your ISO certification:

  • Improving the quality of your products and services.
  • Improve your company’s efficiency.
  • Reduce your costs.
  • Improve customer satisfaction.
  • Improve your company’s reputation.
  • Increase your chances of obtaining new contracts.

Who is entitled to request an ISO certificate?

Almost all businesses need ISO certifications, regardless of their size or industry.

However, some companies are more in need of ISO certifications than others.

Companies that particularly need ISO certificates, for example:

  • Companies operating in high-risk industries:

 The healthcare, aviation, and energy industries.

  • Companies with complex supply chains:

 Manufacturing and retail companies.

  • Companies that want to improve their reputation:

 Companies that sell products or services to the public.

  • Companies that want to meet the requirements of customers and suppliers:

Companies that deal with large or government companies.

  • Companies that want to reduce costs:

Insurance and accident costs.

  • Companies that want to improve the efficiency of their operations:

Improving product quality and increasing productivity.

Where is the ISO certificate issued?

ISO certification is not issued from a specific place, but is issued by “recognized certification bodies” around the world.

These bodies are independent organizations that evaluate organizations’ management systems to ensure that they meet the requirements of ISO standards.

The International Organization for Standardization issues ISO certificates. but is responsible for developing standards.

To obtain ISO certification, organizations must apply to a recognized accreditation body.

The accreditation body will then evaluate the organization’s management system to ensure that it meets the requirements of the specified standard.

If the organization successfully passes the assessment, it will be awarded ISO certification.

A list of ISO accreditation bodies can be found on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) website:

What are the ISO requirements?

Obtaining ISO certification represents one of the most important steps towards improving efficiency and quality in institutions and companies of different sizes and sectors.

International standards are considered a measure of quality, effectiveness, safety, and reliability around the world.

Many organizations seek to obtain this certificate to confirm their commitment to international standards, and improve their performance, among the requirements .

  • The basis for establishing the company with verification of its commercial register.
  • A copy of the tax card
  • Submit an application to obtain a certificate through granting bodies.
  • The specific requirements for each type of certificate depend on the nature of the company’s activity.
  • A copy of the quality policy and its related objectives.
  • A guide to documenting the institution’s procedures and policies.
  • Internal audit and management review reports.
  • Records of continuous improvement and complaints handling.
  • Staff training and competency documents.
  • Records verifying the effectiveness of the implemented systems.
  • Commitment to applying the required standards within the company.
  • Availability of a dedicated team to manage errors and implement corrective actions.

How do I verify the ISO certificate?

To verify or confirm the authenticity of the ISO certificate, several steps can be followed as follows:

  • View the IAF International Accreditation Forum database:

The organization provides a database that includes companies accredited according to ISO standards.

It is available to search by name or certificate number.

  • Communicating with the accreditation body:

The body that issued the ISO certificate to the company can confirm the validity of the certificate.

  • Visit the company’s website:

Companies may display their certificate on the website, but it is recommended to verify its authenticity in other ways.

  • Use certificate verification applications:

There are applications available for smartphones that facilitate the process of verifying certificates by scanning the QR code or entering the certificate number.

  • Request a copy of the certificate directly from the company:

The company must be able to provide a copy of the certificate if it is valid.

How many ISO certificates are there?

firstly there are currently more than 24,000 types of ISO certifications, covering a wide range of Areas, for example:

  • Quality management 9001
  • Environmental management 14001
  • Occupational health and safety management 45001
  • Energy management 50001
  • Information security management 27001
  • Risk management 31000
  • Social responsibility management 26000
  • Technology management ISO/IEC 27032
  • Service management 20000
  • Education management 21001
  • Food management 22000
  • Medical device management 13485
  • Automotive management

What are management systems certifications?

Management systems certifications are a set of standards and practices that are applied to organizations to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

These certificates focus on different aspects of management, such as quality, risk management, environment, safety, and occupational health.

How to obtain management systems certificates?

  • Choosing an appropriate management system for the organization.
  • Develop a management system that complies with certification requirements.
  • Implement a management system and apply it to all operations.
  • Obtaining a certificate from an accredited accreditation body.

How do I obtain an ISO certificate?

Evaluating an organization’s readiness to obtain ISO certification requires following several basic steps, which are as follows:

  • Understanding certification requirements:

An organization must first understand the required certification requirements, and ensure that it is able to meet these requirements.

  • Evaluation of the current system:

The current system of management and operations within the organization must be evaluated to identify gaps, and areas that need improvement to meet ISO requirements.

  • Determine the necessary resources:

The human, financial and technical resources necessary to implement and maintain the required management system must be identified.

  • Develop a work plan:

A specific work plan must be developed that specifies the steps and tasks necessary to achieve compliance with ISO requirements and obtain certification.

  • Awareness and training:

The organization’s employees must be educated and trained on ISO requirements and how to apply them in daily work.

  • Implementing an internal assessment:

The institution can implement an internal assessment to determine its readiness to obtain certification and identify strong and weak points.

What are the conditions for obtaining an ISO certificate?

The requirements for obtaining ISO certification vary depending on the standard being certified, but in general, they include the following conditions:

  • Determine the appropriate ISO standard.
  • Develop an ISO management system.
  • Employee training.
  • Implementing the management system
  • Monitoring the management system.
  • Improving the management system.
  • Internal Audi.
  • Submit an application to obtain a certificate.
  • Obtaining an ISO certificate.

ISO certificates in Saudi Arabia

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ISO certifications represent a wide range of standards and specifications that apply to various industries and sectors.

 Some common ISO certificates in Saudi Arabia, for example:

  • 9001 Certification : Quality Management System
  • 14001 Certificate : Environmental Management System
  • 45001 Certification : Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • 27001 Certificate : Information Security Management System
  • 22000 Certification :Food Safety Management System
  • These are some of the common ISO certificates in Saudi Arabia.
  • These certificates are considered important for improving quality and performance in various industries and sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

What are the main steps to obtain quality management certification?

Achieving ISO 9001 quality management certification requires following a series of key steps.

Here are the basic steps to achieve ISO 9001 quality management certification:

  • Awareness and training.
  • Evaluate the current situation.
  • Develop a business plan.
  • Implement a quality management system.
  • Review by management.
  • Internal Audit.
  • External audit.
  • Obtaining the certificate.

What are ISO quality certificates?

There are several quality certifications offered by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and which aim to improve quality and process management in various industries.

Some of the most important ISO quality certificates, for example:

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018
  • ISO 27001:2022
  • ISO 22000:2018

These are some of the main certifications offered by ISO, and there are many others targeting different areas such as energy management, innovation and sustainable development.

What are the most prominent future trends of the ISO management system?

ISO standards are constantly evolving to meet the needs of businesses and organizations in a changing world.

Below are some of the most prominent future directions of the ISO management system:

Customer focus:

  • Standards will focus more on meeting customer needs and expectations.
  • The standards will include new requirements to measure customer satisfaction and improve customer experience.

Innovation and technology:

  • Standards will include new requirements for adopting innovation and technology.
  • These requirements will help companies and organizations stay on the cutting edge of technology and improve the efficiency of their operations.


  • Standards will focus more on environmental and social sustainability.
  • The standards will include new requirements for managing environmental and social risks and improving performance in the field of sustainability.


  • Standards will become more integrated with each other.
  • This will help companies and organizations manage their management systems more effectively and efficiently.


  • Standards will become more flexible to meet the needs of different companies and organizations.
  • This will help companies and organizations adapt their management systems to changes in the market and operational environment.


  • Standards will become more digital.
  • The standards will include new requirements for the use of digital technologies to manage their management systems.


  • Standards will focus more on cooperation between companies and organizations.
  • The standards will include new requirements for working with partners and suppliers to achieve common goals.


  • Standards will encourage employee participation at all levels of the organization.
  • This participation will help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ISO management systems.


  • Standards will focus more on the role of leadership in managing its management systems.
  • The standards will include new requirements for leaders to demonstrate commitment and accountability.

continuous improvement:

  • Standards will remain focused on continuous improvement.
  • The standards will include new requirements to measure and improve the performance of its management systems.

How do I obtain an ISO certification?

Steps to obtain an ISO certificate include :

Determine your needs:

  • Determine the ISO standards that suit your company’s needs.
  • Determine your goals for obtaining ISO certification.

Commit to senior management:

  • Ensure that senior management is committed to obtaining certification.
  • Top management must provide the necessary resources to implement the management system.

Appoint a team:

  • Appoint a team of employees responsible for implementing the management system.
  • -The team must be qualified and trained in management system requirements.

Employee training:

  • Train all your employees on the requirements of the management system.
  • Ensure that employees understand their role in the system.

Document your system:

  • Document your ISO management system.
  • Ensure that documentation is up to date and accurate.
  • Conduct an internal audit:
  • Conduct an internal audit of your management system to identify any areas for improvement.
  • Correct any deficiencies found.

Choose the ISO certification body:

  • Choose an internationally accredited and recognized ISO accreditation body.
  • Make sure that the ISO accreditation body has experience in accrediting organizations in your field of work.

Submit an accreditation request:

  • Submit an accreditation request to the accreditation body.
  • -Make sure you have all the required documents ready.

Prepare for accreditation audit:

  • Prepare for the accreditation audit that will be conducted by the accreditation body.
  • Ensure that your management system meets all requirements of the standard.

Stay organized:

  • Maintain your management system after obtaining certification.
  • Perform periodic reviews and updates of the system.

What is QRS ?

QRS is one of the largest audit and certification services providers in the world.

The company provides its services in more than 130 countries and has a large history of work in the Middle East.

QRS provides ISO certification services for various ISO standards

QRS has a good reputation in providing ISO services.

How to obtain an ISO certification from QRS

Firstly to obtain ISO certification from QRS, organizations must follow the following steps:

  • Contact QRS and request a quote.
  • Choose the ISO standard for which you want to obtain a certificate.
  • Develop a management system that complies with the requirements of the specified standard.
  • Implement the management system throughout the organization.
  • Conduct an internal audit of the management system.
  • Submit a request to QRS to conduct the certification process.
  • Successfully passing the certification process.
  • Additional notes:
  • The process of obtaining ISO certification from QRS can take several months.
  • There is a cost associated with the process of obtaining ISO certification from QRS.
  • Additional Resources:
  • QRS Company website:

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