How to get ISO certifications asap?

Get ISO certifications asap may not be impossible.

With the increasing competition in the global market and the increasing ability of customers to differentiate.

So companies are constantly looking for new ways to differentiate themselves and build trust.

An excellent way to achieve this is to obtain ISO certification.

In addition, ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 27001 and ISO 45001 certifications are recognized globally.

Then, it confirms the company’s commitment to international standards, ensuring quality and sound business practices.

So, what happens when a company decides to get ISO certifications asap?

Is it possible?

Yes – you can get ISO certifications asap.

We know this because we have done it with clients who have tight time frames (e.g. due bids).

When, business owners or institutions are considering obtaining ISO certifications.

The only factor that may affect the decision is time.

That’s why many people prefer not to bother and make the decision to obtain their company or institution ISO.

This is simply because they fear that the subject of obtaining ISO certifications may take a long time.

But quite simply, the process of obtaining ISO certifications does not have to take a long time.

Factors on which the time to obtain ISO certifications depends, for example:

  • What is the scope of the products and/or services that the company provides?

The larger the scope, the longer (and more expensive) the system development will take.

  • What is the size of the company?

Bigger companies = more stakeholders.

So this factor will affect the development and implementation requirements.

Alternative implementation strategies may be required for small, medium and large companies.

  • Is the senior management team committed to quality and continuous improvement or do they “just want certification”?

If the quality culture does not come from the top, there is a much greater chance of delaying the timelines.

  • How many ISO certifications are required?

Is the company looking for only a specific type of ISO certification, such as ISO 9001 quality management systems?

Or, for a multi-standard integrated management system such as ISO 45001 health & safety management and, ISO 14001 environmental management, etc.

Getting ISO certification = the path to success.

Steps to get ISO certifications asap

  • Gap analysis:

An initial assessment is conducted to identify gaps between the organization’s current practices and the required ISO certification requirements.

This makes it easier to chart improvements.

  • Processes are relatively straightforward:

Complex processes take longer.

The senior leadership team must be fully committed to customer focus, management and continuous improvement.

  • The company must be a relatively small company:

Preferably with fewer than 20 employees.

A short time frame will not be possible for a national company with multiple locations.

  • Planning and implementation:

The company must provide a quality systems consultant to qualify it.

Work on developing, reviewing and implementing the quality management system without interruption or delay.

Employees must respond in a timely manner to any requests.

  • Internal audit:

Internal audit evaluates the effectiveness of the changes implemented and identifies any non-compliance that needs to be fixed.

  • Availability of an ISO certification body auditor

The ISO certification body will need to have an auditor available at short notice.

He can then conduct the specific management system audit.

  • Certification

If the ISO certification body finds that the system meets the standards and all requirements are met.

The required certificates will be issued immediately, and the company is considered ISO certified.


ISO certification is not only a mark of excellence, but it is also a valuable tool for companies.

To demonstrate their commitment to quality, safety and customer satisfaction.

Thus, ISO certification provides companies with an internationally recognized framework.

In addition, consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations while complying with global standards.

Why does a company obtain ISO certifications?

Obtaining ISO certifications for quality, safety and the environment is an important step.

They are often essential for companies entering the next stage of growth.

Thus, in specific industries, ISO certifications are critical.

For example, in the construction, engineering, manufacturing, mining, health and technology industries.

While companies actually seek ISO certification to become more effective and efficient.

In fact, many organizations need to obtain certification.

This is in order to bid for work, win bids and expand.

Regardless of the motivation, getting ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified will not only help you grow and increase revenue.

To be clear, if done well, your company can also increase efficiency, employee and customer satisfaction, and communication.

Certification may start as a check in the box for winning or bidding for work.

But it can improve your business in every way, without any extra effort.

Reasons for ISO Certification

You may be asking yourself why would I want to get ISO certification?

The answer is quite simple:

Competition – Marketing benefit – Global reach – Better quality – Improved efficiency – Increased revenue – Tender advantage – Brand reputation

The benefits of achieving quality within the company include:

  • Implementing a process approach

Every company has processes – formal or informal – within its daily operations.

These are tasks that are performed in a specific order to deliver products or services at the highest level.

The ISO standard requires that these processes be documented.

From inputs and procedures to intended outputs.

Thereby ensuring that these processes are predictable and repeatable.

Getting the lowest price is no longer the only consideration for winning business.

Implementing a process approach allows for oversight and control of documented processes.

It also highlights areas for improvement, ultimately leading to better performance.

  • Effective performance measurement, and increased customer satisfaction

The primary focus of ISO certification is customer satisfaction.

Each customer has their own definition or perception of quality.

In addition, many companies operate at cross-purposes with their customers.

However, this can lead to incredible frustration when a company loses business or receives complaints.

Adopting a customer focus adds value to customers and is likely to increase their satisfaction and loyalty.

ISO certification demonstrates to stakeholders that your products or services will consistently meet their expectations.

  • Identifying opportunities for improvement

There are 10 core clauses across ISO standards, including ISO 9001, ISO 45001, and ISO 1400.

Most of these clauses are aimed at continuous improvement.

In addition, in each standard, clauses 9 and 10 focus on performance assessment and improvement.

So, regardless of which standard you rely on, you will be monitoring, measuring, analyzing and evaluating your performance as a supplier.

As a result, you will then adjust and improve your system based on the results of this feedback.

  • Increase productivity, improve services provided

According to ISO standards, they help your business streamline existing processes.

As a result, making them as efficient as possible will consistently deliver high-quality results.

  • Open new markets, and stay ahead of the competition.

Your internal and external stakeholders in your business will feel the positive impact.


What ISO Certifications Do I Need?

The truth is, no company actually needs an ISO certification for business or operation.

However, many companies do seek ISO certification.

And then they achieve greater success.

With thousands of different standards available worldwide.

Choosing the right standard for your company can be daunting.

Are you unsure which standard(s) to choose?

Please speak to one of our experts to determine the best management system for your company.

Please contact us today!

Can I apply for an ISO certification online?

It is indeed an option for businesses looking to save money or implement ISO certifications in a hurry.

Another consideration for an online ISO certification is the on-site accessibility of our auditors.

You may want to consider getting your ISO certification online.

This is if your business operates in remote or hard-to-reach locations.

To get started with your online ISO certification, please register.

Can I change my ISO certification provider?

The short answer is yes, if you are not completely satisfied with your current ISO certification provider, we can help.

We first need to know what ISO certification you have.

As well as an assessment of your company and any existing documentation/processes that have been implemented.

Please complete the Get a Quote form to get started, and we would be happy to become your new ISO certification provider.

Can I be certified to more than one ISO?

Some companies may decide that one specific standard meets their internal and external requirements.

Others may decide that there are advantages to having more than one ISO certification.

We have many clients who have demonstrated the benefits of having multiple ISO certifications.

In addition, there may be cost benefits.

As some ISO certifications have some overlapping requirements.

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