ISO certifications

A guide to ISO certifications|  ISO certification bodies

 a guide to ISO certifications, their definition, and the most prominent types, followed by a review of the total number of ISO certificates, in addition to ways to select ISO certification bodies with confidence. We will also dive into the sea of ​​requirements necessary to obtain them, highlighting the benefits of ISO certifications.

The aim of this guide is to provide readers with valuable and up-to-date information about ISO certifications, to ensure a clear and easy understanding of the certification process and the benefits associated with it.

ISO certifications

It is a set of international standards provided by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), with the aim of raising the level of quality and efficiency in many sectors.

It covers a wide range of fields, starting from the quality certificate ISO 9001, passing through the environmental certificate ISO 14001, all the way to the information security certificate ISO 27001, as well as the occupational health and safety certificate ISO 45001, and not ending with the food safety certificate ISO 22000, as each of them is specified. Its own standards.

Obtaining the certificate opens the way for organizations to include the ISO mark on their websites and marketing materials, which adds value to their public image and enhances confidence in dealing with them.

 However, since ISO has many standards, “ISO 9001 Certification” means that the company is only certified to that standard, and not to the others.

Definition of ISO certification

More precisely, “ISO certification” is an indication of an organization’s continuity in developing, maintaining and improving its business processes, which confirms its commitment to quality and following best business practices.

These certificates reflect companies’ commitment to international quality standards, strengthening their position in the global market and expanding their business horizons.

ISO certification, as third-party verification, is confirmation that an organization’s management system conforms to recognized international ISO standards, and provides reassurance to companies that the applicable standards match global standards.

For businesses, there is comfort in knowing that their standards are in line with recognized international standards.

As for customers, they have confidence in receiving safe, high quality, and reliable products or services.

Definition of ISO

ISO, officially known as the International Organization for Standardization, is an independent, international, non-governmental entity founded on February 23, 1947.

It is also an international federation of national standardization bodies, and Egypt is a member of it through the Egyptian General Organization for Standardization and Quality (EOS).

The most prominent ISO certifications in the world

Providing a comprehensive presentation on the most prominent ISO certificates such as ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, and ISO13485, emphasizing their vital role in enhancing and developing management processes and performance in institutions.

Below is a brief overview of each of them:

ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certification:

– This certificate is the most common and widespread globally.

– Ensures the application of an effective quality management system in all activities of the organization.

– Focuses on achieving customer satisfaction by providing high-quality products and services.

ISO 14001 Environmental management system certification:

– It focuses on managing the environmental impacts resulting from the organization’s activities.

– Ensures the organization’s compliance with environmental legal and regulatory requirements.

– It helps reduce the environmental impact and improve the environmental performance of the organization.

ISO 45001 Occupational safety and Health Management System Certification:

– Ensures a safe and healthy work environment for employees.

-Identifies and controls health hazards and risks associated with work activities.

– It contributes to reducing work accidents and enhancing a culture of safety.

ISO 22000 Food safety management system certification:

– Applies to organizations operating in the food and beverage sector.

– Ensures food safety by implementing reliable procedures and practices.

– Helps maintain the organization’s reputation and enhance customer confidence.

ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certificate:

– It is used to protect data and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information in organizations.

This certification aims to provide a framework for managing and protecting sensitive information and data in organizations.

– ISO 27001 certification helps organizations achieve a high level of information security and maintain data confidentiality and integrity.

ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certification:

– It aims to improve energy performance and achieve energy efficiency in institutions.

– ISO 50001 certification aims to enhance energy efficiency and improve energy performance in institutions.

This certification helps companies set and achieve sustainable energy goals by implementing an energy management system.

ISO 13485 Quality management system certification for Medical Devices:

– Focuses on quality management system requirements for the medical devices and medical industries.

The ISO 13485 certification aims to enhance confidence in medical device products and ensure that they meet international standards of quality and safety.

This certification is applied to a wide range of medical products including surgical instruments, medical devices, medical equipment and medical supplies.

ISO 31000 Risk management system certification:

– It aims to guide institutions in applying risk management effectively and effectively.

– It contributes to improving quality and efficiency in various industries and sectors in Egypt, and enhances compliance with recognized global standards.

This framework aims to enhance the ability to deal with potential challenges and risks and improve the organization’s performance.

Number of ISO standards

The latest updates to international ISO standards and their applications across sectors.

With new updates constantly appearing, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has surpassed 23,000 published standards, covering vital areas such as quality management, environment, information security, food safety, medical devices, and energy management in addition to other important sectors.

ISO standards are characterized by undergoing a rigorous review and continuous updating process to ensure that they keep pace with emerging industrial and technological developments, in addition to adopting the best international practices followed.

It is clear that the expansion of ISO standards is still on the rise, as new standards are regularly added to the group, while previous ones are updated to suit new variables and the needs of industry and modern society.

ISO certifications for companies

In the new era of business, ISO certifications are a key evidence of the quality of management and procedures within companies.

These certificates demonstrate the efforts made by companies to raise their level in all aspects.

Compliance with ISO standards represents an important step to improve the company’s image in the market and enhance customer confidence.

Every company has its own motivations for seeking ISO certification.

ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, ISO 27001 Information Security, and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety are some of the most common standards followed.

We provide ISO certification services to companies, in the Middle East and around the world, in all the fields mentioned below:

Contracting, services, mining, agriculture, food, beverage and tobacco products, textile products, leather products, wood products, pulp and paper products, publishing companies, printing companies, petroleum products, chemical products, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastic products, metal products, concrete, cement. , lime, etc., base metals and fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment, electrical and optical equipment, shipbuilding, aerospace, recycling, electricity supply, gas supply, water supply, construction, wholesale and retail trade, motorcycles, personal and household goods, hotels and restaurants. , transportation, storage and communications, financial intermediation, information technology, engineering services, other services, public administration, education, health…etc.

** To obtain the ISO certificate, please click here

Procedures for registering ISO certifications

  • Choose the appropriate ISO standard
  • Developing the ISO management system
  • Staff training
  • Implementing the ISO management system
  • Monitoring the ISO management system
  • Improving the ISO management system
  • Submit an application to obtain an ISO certificate
  • External audit
  • Obtaining the ISO certificate
  • Maintaining the certificate:


These procedures are not comprehensive.

The actual steps for registering ISO management system certificates may vary depending on the company.

– It is important to consult an expert in the ISO field to determine the best way to register ISO certificates for your company.

ISO certification bodies

ISO certificates represent evidence of global quality, as they measure the extent to which systems and processes adhere to international standards.

This helps build trust and highlight the company’s uniqueness in the market.

 However, obtaining this certificate requires meeting precise requirements.

 Organizations must demonstrate their commitment to applying these standards at all stages of work.

Choosing an ISO certification body

After ensuring that the standards are met, it is time to choose the ISO certification bodies.

It is important to ensure that ISO certification bodies are internationally accredited to ensure the value of the certificate.

Verifying international recognition of the donor.

Review the terms and requirements of the donor.

Surveying the experiences of companies that obtained certificates from the same body.

>> Definition of ISO certification bodies:

ISO certification bodies are independent and specialized in issuing ISO certificates. These bodies are reliable and highly credible, and are authorized to issue certificates.

ISO certification bodies may be local or international, provided that they are accredited by one of the well-known international regional accreditation in the world and members of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

>>> Example of the accreditation sequence of ISO certification bodies

International Accreditation Forum (IAF) > Regional accreditation (local or international) > ISO certification bodies

Its characteristics:

– Credibility:

Issuing an ISO certificate from an accredited ISO certification body gives credibility and trustworthiness to your organization, which enhances your reputation.

– Global recognition:

The ISO certificate issued by recognized ISO certification bodies guarantees global acceptance and opens doors to international markets and partnerships.

– Compliance:

Accreditation bodies verify your organization’s compliance with ISO standards, ensuring compliance with international regulations and best practices.

– Expert Evaluation:

Certified auditors have the experience needed to accurately evaluate your organization’s processes, systems, and documents.

– Continuous improvement:

ISO certification bodies encourage a culture of continuous improvement, pushing your organization to continually improve its operations.

In the end, obtaining an ISO certificate from an accredited source enhances the company’s international reliability.

It requires continuous effort and careful monitoring to ensure compliance with new standards and periodic renewal of the certificate.

ISO certification requirements

In the dynamic world of business, ISO certifications signify an organization’s commitment to meeting international standards for quality, environmental responsibility, information security, and more.

 However, navigating the complex landscape of ISO certification requirements can be difficult.

  • ISO certification requirements:

– ISO certification requirements are the pillars on which the entire certification process is based.

These requirements, outlined in ISO standards such as ISO 9001 for Quality Management, ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, and ISO 27001 for Information Security, define the standards that organizations must meet to achieve certification.

  • Understanding ISO certification requirements

– Clear documentation: ISO certification requirements require creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation to define processes, policies, and procedures.

– Commitment to process: Organizations must demonstrate that they follow standardized processes in accordance with ISO standards, ensuring consistency and quality in their operations.

– Continuous improvement: ISO certification requirements promote a culture of continuous improvement.

– Risk management: Many ISO standards require organizations to assess and mitigate risks, ensuring robust systems and processes.

– Compliance: Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is an essential aspect of ISO certification requirements.

  • The future of ISO standards

As technology and society evolve, ISO standards are expected to see significant developments in the future. The most important expected future trends are:


Digital is expected to play a larger role in ISO standards, including the use of artificial intelligence, big data, and block chain.


ISO standards are expected to focus more on environmental and social sustainability, including addressing climate change and reducing pollution.


ISO standards are expected to become more flexible and adaptable to rapid changes in markets and technology.


Collaboration between the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and other international organizations, including the United Nations, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization, is expected to increase.

It is important to note that these future trends are predictions and not confirmed facts. However, they indicate the general direction of development of ISO standards in the future.

Best practices for preparing an ISO management system

  • Determine the scope of the ISO management system:

– Determine the processes and activities that will be included in the ISO management system.

– Consider your company size, industry, and goals.

  • Assign a project team:

– Form a team of employees from all levels of the organization.

– Ensure that the team has the experience and skills necessary to set up the ISO management system.

  • Team training:

– Train the project team on the requirements of the relevant ISO standard.

– Consider using an ISO certified trainer.

  •  Developing ISO management system documents:

– Develop ISO management system documentation, including quality manual and work procedures.

– Ensure that documentation is clear, concise and accurate.

  • Implementing the ISO management system:

– Implement the ISO management system throughout the organization.

– Ensure that all employees are familiar with the ISO management system and how to use it.

  • Monitoring the ISO management system:

– Monitor the ISO management system on a regular basis to identify any problems or areas for improvement.

– Use the collected data to continuously improve the ISO management system.

  • Improving the ISO management system:

– Continuously improve the ISO management system to meet the organization’s changing needs.

– Consider using quality improvement techniques such as root cause analysis and kaizen.

  • Obtaining the ISO certificate:

– Consider obtaining an ISO certificate from a recognized accreditation body.

– Certification will help you demonstrate your commitment to the quality management system.

Benefits of general ISO certifications

ISO certification gives companies many benefits, including improved efficiency and increased customer satisfaction, which is essential for success in the global market.

Moreover, it contributes to reducing error rates and raising the level of productivity by developing internal methods.

 These certificates provide strong evidence of the organization’s commitment to quality, sustainability and safety, which enhances its reputation in the market and opens new horizons for it.

Going through the ISO conformity assessment process brings several benefits, including upgrading the business and improving overall effectiveness.

Each ISO standard provides its own benefits to various sectors, in addition to comprehensive benefits to companies in general.

Among its benefits:

– It is considered a strategic investment that enhances credibility, opens new markets, meets customer expectations, and facilitates operational procedures.

– Increase credibility and recognition globally.

– Continuous improvement of business processes.

– Enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

– Facilitating obtaining government tenders.

– Simplifying the training process for new employees.

– Improving the company’s image and brand.

– Improving internal and external communication.

– Ensuring that products and services comply with global ISO quality standards.

– Increase marketability and grow business directly.

– Strengthen marketing efforts and increase sales.

– Raising the efficiency and performance of employees.

– Improve control of business processes.

– Encouraging the adoption of international best practices.

– Increase productivity and overall efficiency.

– Enhancing revenues and opening new markets.

– Providing additional confidence for consumers and stakeholders.

– Providing a competitive advantage for the company in the market.

– Helping regulatory bodies ensure compliance with health, safety, and environmental standards.

Currently, ISO certification is a prerequisite for many government tenders, which is evidence of the credibility of your products and services and enables companies to successfully expand internationally.


Obtaining ISO represents the golden seal of quality for institutions and companies.

The company’s success in obtaining ISO indicates that it meets international standards for the services and products it provides.

It is necessary to carefully select ISO certification bodies, to ensure that they are reliable and have accreditation from international accreditation organizations such as UKAS, IAS, UAF, ANAB, JAS-ANZ, and EGAC, which must be an active member of the IAF International Accreditation Forum.

The IAF is the global federation of accreditation bodies, and it works to assess conformity in various areas of quality management systems within a global context.

It is also known as the International Accreditation Forum.

If you plan to participate, for example, in a government tender or submit documents for government projects or any other projects, then having an ISO certificate issued by ISO certification bodies accredited by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) definitely becomes an indispensable necessity.

Certificates accredited by bodies affiliated with the IAF enjoy greater value and respect globally.

You may sometimes wonder whether it is necessary to obtain an ISO certificate for your organization, and the answer is definitely a definite “yes”.

The benefit of the ISO certificate does not stop only at enhancing the organization’s image among its customers, but also extends to opening horizons for dealing with international customers thanks to the global recognition that the certificate enjoys, so, do not hesitate! Prepare for the certificate of success of the management system in your organization by obtaining the ISO certificate..

To obtain ISO certificates, you must contact the best certification service providers in Egypt and the Middle East.

QRS is considered a pioneer in the field of ISO certification services in the Middle East

QRS, an ISO certification company, provides ISO certification services with a high level of quality and international recognition.

QRS covers a wide range of international certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 20000, CE Mark, HACCP and others.

QRS is considered one of the pioneers in the field of ISO certification services in Egypt and the Middle East, as its certificates enjoy recognition and authentication from the most important international accreditation bodies, which enhances confidence and credibility in its certificates.

QRS Company is registered with the Egyptian General Organization for Standardization and Quality (EOS), and all ISO certificates issued are registered with the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

They can be verified through this link


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– Mobile: 00201000100743

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