Types of ISO, obtaining and verifying ISO | QRS

Types of ISO, Obtaining and Verifying

ISO Learn about the types of ISO and their importance in improving government and corporate standards and protecting the environment.

Before knowing the types of ISO or obtaining and verifying them, it is necessary to first know what is ISO?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

is a non-governmental system of national agencies whose resolution is the advancement of universal standards for government and business.

Global standards are planned for trade between nations.

They deliver a technical base and an arrangement of the best management practices.

Measures guarantee safe organizational techniques and products that lessen the ecological effect.

ISO Standards advantage business and trade by abridging procedures and decreasing an association’s environmental risk.

Consumers are also advantaged by learning that best in class practices are thus created for worldwide relevancy.

Types of ISO

The first important point for an entrepreneur is to choose the type of ISO certification.

The type of ISO certification is based on the type of business.

There are over 24,000 different management standards, therefore finding the ones that are right for your business can sometimes be confusing.

The best place to start is ISO 9001 Quality Management, as this is the core standard that most of the other well-known standards are based on.

It’s focused on customer service and ensuring your customer receives the service they want, at a time that’s relevant for a cost that’s fair.

Based on your company’s activities there may be additional ‘bolt on’ standards that you may require or that might complement the business.

What does it mean to have an ISO 9001 certification?

Organizations that are ISO 9001 certified have successfully implemented a quality management system in accordance to all of the requirements detailed in the ISO 9001 standard.

Part of the ISO 9001 certification is making sure areas for improvement are identified and acted on.

As such, organizations with ISO 9001 certification can be assumed to provide products and/or services that meet strict quality management standards.

Steps to Get ISO Certificates?

 Apply for an ISO certificate from QRS EGYPT, one of the largest ISO certifications bodies in Egypt and the Middle East

  • Phase 1(STAGE 1 AUDIT) :
  1. When we have received your application, the audit process commences with an appraisal of your Management.
  2. In this phase, QRS EGYPT will carry out a Desk study, by reviewing all documents related to the certification process (Manual, Procedures, Instructions and records)
  3. any identified shortfalls to enable you to take immediate action prior to undergoing the next stage.
  4. An itinerary for the on-site audit will also be given to you at this stage.
  • Phase 2 : STAGE 2 AUDIT  )
  1. In this phase, QRS EGYPT will carry out the Certification audit, conducting on-site assessment.
  2. The on-site audit determines your compliance against your documented system and your chosen standard.
  3. All assessment conclusions are based on sampling of audit evidence, giving you the opportunity to demonstrate effective implementation of the management system, control over the processes and progress made towards achieving your stated quality objectives.
  4. At QRS our audit approach aims to contribute value to the process and also ensure that your management system is achieving your goals.
  5. On conclusion of the audit the auditor will hold a ‘closing meeting’ during which findings will be explained and the auditor will confirm whether or not a recommendation for certification can be made at this stage.
  6. This recommendation will reflect the level of findings identified during the audit.

Audit Findings:

  1. If a major non-conformance is identified, normally following evidence of a significant breakdown
  2. of system control, the certification decision will be deferred until corrective action has been taken and verified as effective.
  3. Minor non-conformance normally localized gaps in controls or adherence to procedures, will not prevent issues certificate
  4. recommendation for registration but planned action must be submitted to SGS and verified as appropriate before the recommendation can be confirmed.
  5. Implementation will normally be verified at the next routine surveillance.
  6. Observations will also be made where there are identified opportunities for continuous improvement or best practice.
  • Phase 3: Surveillance Audits
  1. Once issued certificates remain valid
  2. QRS EGYPT will conduct at least one annual surveillance audit in a 3 years validation period of the issued certificate.
  3. Ongoing audits (surveillance visits) are conducted annually to verify continued implementation of your management system in accordance with “planned arrangements” and the requirements within the standard.
  4. Certain mandatory elements will be reviewed at every visit together with other pre-selected processes.
  5. We will work with you to identify areas that are not conforming to support opportunities

What does ISO certification cost?

 ISO certification costs vary dependent on the size of an organisation and the level to which the company is already run with regards to processes and procedures.

If you decide to implement more than one standard at the same time, there are some preferential fees available.

We offer a simple, cost effective service with flexible payment terms.

You can request a quote here.

Due to our proposals being bespoke and the number of variables that can affect the cost of implementation, we do like to meet our potential clients so as to get to know them a little better before providing them with costings

How to check if an ISO Certificate is valid

When evaluating potential suppliers for your organisation, part of your evaluation criteria might be that their management system is certified to one or more ISO Management System Standards.

If this is the case, you should be:

  • Requesting that they provide you with a copy of their ISO Certificate(s)
  • Checking that their ISO Certification(s) are

Your potential supplier should be able to provide their ISO Certificate(s) quickly and easily via reply email with a file attachment – all Certification Bodies provide certificates as pdf  files these days.

Once you have the ISO Certificate(s) from your potential supplier, it’s important to also check that they are valid.

What a lot of people don’t realise is that the validity of all ISO Certifications is subject to satisfactory ongoing Surveillance Audits (which are usually conducted annually over the course of the three years of certification).

If these haven’t been conducted with satisfactory results every 12 months, the Certification Body may then cancel the ISO Certification(s).

If an ISO Certification has been cancelled, it may be due to a change in the business structure or a major breakdown in the effectiveness of the business operations and/or management system(s).

So, now you should be starting to understand the importance of not only receiving a copy of your potential suppliers’ ISO Certificate(s), but also checking that they’re valid.

Let’s take a look at each of these options:

  • Verifying an ISO Certificate on the International Online Register

In 2020, the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) released a global online register where any ISO Certificate worldwide can be verified within the one platform.

All you need to know is the business name.

Go to IAF CertSearch, start typing the business name in the search bar and, if the business is certified, they will show up. You can then click on their listing to validate the currency of their ISO Certificate(s).

  • Verifying an ISO Certificate on website of cb

You can check iso certificates from certification body website

To get ISO certificates

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